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What is a MIX TEMPLATE ?

is an easy to use Cubase project file, which has been pre-engineered by sound experts, to provide the end user with a ready-made template to deliver the aspired sound, by simply adding the relevant recorded tracks to the relevant channels in the template.MIX TEMPLATE 


By choosing our MIX TEMPLATES solution, You get a full Cubase project file ready with a variety of channels, all pre-arranged and prepared with the appropriate plug-ins, EQs, compressors, limiters, effects, groups and more. These have been engineered by professionals for different genres, all offered here by us.


You recorded your song and now have all your files and channels ready for mix, now the question is, how to mix? what comes first? which plug-ins to use? how to use them? in what order? Learning how to mix requires knowledge, expertise and experience. Access to this knowledge and experience means spending money and investing a lot of time and effort, you will need guidance and lots of experience and you may get frustrated along the way. MIX TEMPLATES is a great solution to getting immediate access to how sound professionals manage their mix, you will get instant visibility to how each channel is engineered, how each compressor, EQ, EFX and more, are tailored in order to get to the professional sound that you are so eagerly seeking. 


After adding your recorded tracks to the template, you will instantly hear a professional sound for your mix, it will immediately sound amazing with that magic touch to your music. While MIX TEMPLATES is a generic template per each genre and style as chosen, it provides you with the flexibility to adjust every single parameter in the template to both bring your own touch to your mix, and address specific changes that you feel are required to get your perfect personalized mix. Instead of trying to go through the mixing process from scratch, and getting amateur results, with MIX TEMPLATES your starting point will be from a whole different level, you will go directly to focusing on fine-tuning, and enjoy best practices and methodologies in sound engineering already embedded to your song.


Have no mistake, each song is different and each recorded sound used in your mix needs to be treated differently. As part of , we have prepared in advance for each channel in the template, the relevant sound preset that best copes with that recorded track and to get as close as possible to the perfect end result for that channel. It will most likely sound completely amazing already when using MIX TEMPLATES as it is, but obviously it all depends on the quality of the original recorded track, which may require your own fine-tuning. We strongly recommend not to 'over' fine-tune, you may find yourself overdoing it. For any special tracks that you feel are not addressed within the template you purchased, contact us and we will be happy to assist you and provide a more custom solution for your specific needs.MIX TEMPLATES


Our MIX TEMPLATES offering is currently available for Cubase, ProTools (available at, and Logic Pro X (available at For simplicity, as many plug-ins are available to be added on Cubase, we prepared our generic templates using only the plug-ins that are provided with the original Cubase version, this is so you will not find

yourself unable to enjoy the Song4Mix solution due to not owning a specific plug-in. 

MIX TEMPLATES - Preview screenshots

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How to use MIXPRO



Here are detailed explanations for an easy and intuitive 4 steps process:



     Choose the relevant style of your song and download the relevant MIX TEMPLATE designed for that style. You can find

     specific details for each type of MIX TEMPLATE in our offering, including specific product/plug-ins requirements, template specs, list of

     channels provided as part of the template and more. Save the file in the relevant location in your hard drive and open the file.

     Once file is opened in Cubase, it will first ask to locate the audio folder where your recorded files are located. Your template is ready. 

     You will now see a long list of pre-mixed channels, properly named and ready to be set up on your recorded audio files. 


     DRAG & DROP 

     Drag your recorded files (or use the 'import audio files' function) to the relevant channels on the MIX TEMPLATE. Some channels may

     not be relevant for your song, you can simply ignore those or delete, other channels you may want to duplicate, simply adjust as needed

     for your specific project.



     After all files have been dragged (or imported) to the relevant channels, align the tempo of the project file with the tempo of your recorded

     track (please also see important note below), and simply listen to your result. Now you have an amazing and professional sound

     to your mix! MIX TEMPLATES provides the best platform for a great mix, but your song is not finished yet. 



     You've reached the final stage, now it's time to make it your own! MIX TEMPLATES provides the professional platform for your music, but it

     doesn't mean that your song is completely ready. Now it's time to add your own touch, it's time to make certain modifications, as the

     pre-mixed channels cannot perfectly fit every recorded guitar, drum, keys or other instruments. All that is left for you to do from this point,

     is to simply fine-tune as needed in order to get your perfect personalized mix. You're DONE!




Please verify sufficient wave size (input volume) of drum channels (specifically BassDrum, SnareDrum and Toms), to make sure these are aligned to the gate level applied to these channels. If you do not hear a specific drum, adjust the wave size until solved (you can do that by simply dragging the upper boarder of the presented wave in your project layout).


Wave size adjustment may also be required for vocal tracks to align with compression levels, and other channels as well. simply adjust until reaching  your optimal level as required.


In addition, make sure you align the project tempo to the actual tempo of your track, this will affect also certain plugins which are configured to align to the project tempo.

How to use MIX TEMPLATES ?



Chose the MIX TEMPLATE that best fits your style or genre and download it to your computer.

Drag & Drop


Drag your recorded files (or use the 'import audio files' function) to the relevant channels in the project file. 



Listen and enjoy the great result. Now you have a professional mix that you can personalize and customize.



Personalize your mix and make it yours! everything is adjustable, simply add, delete, duplicate or modify. 

MIX TEMPLATES generally include the following channels/tracks (varies for different templates):


  • Bass drum mic (main)

  • Bass drum mic 2 (secondary)

  • Snare drum top mic (main)

  • Snare drum bottom mic

  • Hi-hat mic

  • Ride mic

  • Hi-Tom drum mic

  • Low-Tom drum mic

  • Floor drum mic

  • Overhead mic Left

  • Overhead mic Right

  • Room mic Left

  • Room mic right


  • Bass guitar

  • Rhythm Guitar Left mic 1

  • Rhythm Guitar Left mic 2

  • Rhythm Guitar Right mic 1

  • Rhythm Guitar Right mic 2

  • Clean Guitar mic 1

  • Clean Guitar mic 2

  • Acoustic Guitar Left

  • Acoustic Guitar Right

  • Solo Guitar mic 1

  • Solo Guitar mic 2



  • Piano keys stereo

  • Pad keys stereo

  • Strings keys stereo





  • Lead vox

  • Backing vocal

  • Backing vocals 2

  • Distorted vocal (for Metal only)





  • Reference channel (with different output)

  • Groups, effects and master channels pre-engineered



Click here to read Why use MIX TEPLATES

Click our FAQ page to see answers to some of the questions you may have


We, at MIXPRO, are uniquely positioned. We believe the best judgment comes from your own ears, listen to our pre and post mixing tracks and mix samples from some of the projects using our products. 


Contact us and lets get your songs mixed perfectly.



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